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TeraScript Support Options

TeraScript-Talk List

TeraScript-Talk is an email list for developers to freely discuss all things TeraScript - it is the home of the TeraScript community. We are fortunate to have many talented and experienced developers who regularly contribute to this list and assist those who post issues of all kinds. This is the ideal forum for support, tips, tricks, ideas and techniques. This list is also monitored by Tronics' staff who will respond to questions and support issues as much as possible. Through the list, Tronics continues to listen to the community in an effort to improve the TeraScript Product Suite.

To subscribe to the TeraScript-Talk mailing list, please send an email to with "subscribe terascript-talk" in the body.

TeraScript Support Contracts

Tronics can develop a custom support contract to suit your requirements.

Contact for further information.

TeraScript Installation Support

Installation support is available to TeraScript customers - contact if you need assistance installing or configuring your TeraScript product(s).

Online Documentation

For downloadable documentation, please see our Downloads page.